a field of view detector for objects.
How It Works
- First, we calculate the direction to target. I created a scriptable object value system that make an easy access to positions in game. It basically holds the target’s Vector3 position.
Vector3 selfPosition = transform.position;
// Get the target position & calculate direction.
Vector3 direction = targetValue.value - selfPosition;
- Then we calculate the distance by magnitude. (You can also use Vector3.Distance here.)
if (direction.magnitude <= detectionRadius) { }
- If it is in radius, we calculate the dot product of direction and our forward. So that we can learn if the target is in our angle.
if (direction.magnitude <= detectionRadius)
// If the target is in "angle" that we determined.
if (Vector3.Dot(direction.normalized, transform.forward) > Mathf.Cos(detectionAngle * .5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad))
// Target is in angle..
Debug.Log("Target is in angle..");
_isTargetInAngle = true;
// Target is in radius but its not in angle.
Debug.Log("Target is not in angle..");
_isTargetInAngle = false;
_isTargetInAngle = false;
// Target is not in radius.
- And we create a gizmos to see visually in edit-mode. It just basically creates an arc with angle/radius
private void OnDrawGizmos()
Handles.color = _isTargetInAngle ? inAngleColor : notInAngleColor;
Vector3 calculatedDirection = Quaternion.Euler(0f, -detectionAngle * .5f, 0f) * transform.forward;
Handles.DrawSolidArc(transform.position, Vector3.up, calculatedDirection, detectionAngle, detectionRadius);